Innovative product design
Developed according to the maxim "form follows function" & "quality over quantity", our high performance LiFePO4-based batteries are consistently designed for extreme lightweight construction using the highest quality materials.
The patent-pending innovative housing concept made of a special CFRP/foam sandwich thermally and mechanically decouples the storage cells for minimum wear and maximum safety under extreme conditions:
Smart battery management
All current units from our company have a specially developed, technology-leading battery management system [BMS] with optional integration via the vehicle communication system [CAN / LIN bus] plus extensive telemetry data recording [Industry 4.0].
BMS – Evolution [2014 – 2024]
- Signifikant reduzierter Eigenverbrauch [<1mA]
- Schnellere Zugriffszeiten via App [BLE]
- Überstrom-Schutzabschaltung [max 15kW peak]
- Winterschlaf-Modus [A.H.M.]
- Verbleibende Standzeit [S.T.M.]
- LED illumination [P.D.M.]
- Intelligente Error-reset-function [I.E.R.]
- Modularer Aufbau [für externe peripherie]
- Adaptiv verwendbar [3s-16s (12V-48V)]
- Automotive zertifiziert [ECE R10]
- Zell-Balancing [passiv]
- Leistungsschaltung [MOSFET]
- Strommessung [Shunt]
- Telemetriedaten-Analyse [MC]
- Feedback [Beeper]
- Datenschnittstelle [BLE]
- Selbstdiagnose [selftest]
- Zell-Balancing [passiv]
- Leistungsschaltung [MOSFET]
- Strommessung [Shunt]
- Telemetriedaten-Analyse [MC]
- Feedback [Beeper]
- Datenschnittstelle [BLE]
SPEC: 2PB (V4)
- Zell-Balancing [passiv]
- Leistungsschaltung [MOSFET]
- Telemetriedaten-Analyse [MC]
- Feedback [Beeper]
- Datenschnittstelle [BLE]
SPEC: 2PB (V3)
- Zell-Balancing [passiv]
- Datenspeicher [EPROM]
- Feedback [Beeper]
- Datenschnittstelle [NFC]
SPEC: 2PB (V2)
- Zell-Balancing [passiv]
- Datenspeicher [EPROM]
- Feedback [Beeper]
SPEC: 2PB (V1)
- Zell-Balancing [passiv]
Telemetry data acquisition
Furthermore, the units in the field can be permanently monitored via an integrated Bluetooth interface using their own smartphone app and can be proactively serviced remotely if required [Industry 4.0].
In this way, we also offer our customers comprehensive support fulfilment for all products:
Field use
Our products are used in the following motorsport series: